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In Memory

Welcome To SunRise Shelties

This area is dedicated to Chase and Sadie. While I have no pictures on my computer of Sadie I will put one up of Chase. Sadie was my very first sheltie. She lived a very long and pampered life and passed away several years ago from complications of old age. She had to be humanely put down as she was suffering and some of her organs were failing.
Chase was a dark sable pup that I got for Christmas 2007. Sadly it was not known to the breeder or to myself that Chase had a heart defect that he was born with. I had taken him to the vet one morning as he was doing some coughing like he was trying to cough something up so I took him in to have him checked out. He had been acting normal prior to this coughing, gagging thing that was going on. He was playful and all until that morning. So off to the vet we went. As I was filling out paperwork he collapsed in the floor. I threw everything down and started mouth to mouth and CPR on him. I worked on him in that way while my vet was giving him shots to try to reverse what was going on. I worked on him for half an hour and no matter what we tried to do it was just not going to work. Chase passed away February 2008. This crushed us (my husband and I) terribly. It was just so empty without Chase. He was very different, almost like he was older than he was. He slept with us and was such a wonderful puppy. We still miss him terribly and will never forget him. This was not a problem that was congenital, it was just a flook and the vet told the breeder it probably would not happen again. The breeder cried right along with me when I told her.


This was the last picture I took of Chase.

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